Friday, November 2, 2007


Proverbs 31
28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. 30 Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

Today is my mother’s 71st birthday. Although I live over 7oo miles away from her, nothing can break the bond between mother and daughter. As a small child, I wanted to look just like my Mom. I still count it a great honor to be told that we look alike.

It hasn’t always been smooth sailing between Mom and me. As in any relationships there have been many ups and downs. I was, as Mom likes to call me, a “strong-willed” child. It continued throughout my teenage years and if I am perfectly honest, I’m still pretty “strong-willed.” Mom wanted me to be a lady, keeper of the home, devoting every moment to my kids and husband. I had other ideas; I thought I could have it all. Mom proved to be right on one point though, my husband and kids are the most important things in my life. And I hope I did turn out to be a lady!!!

No matter how much we have disagreed over the last 50 years, I have always been sure of one thing; my Mom loved me no matter what. I knew that though there were many miles between us; she was only a phone call away, day or night. I have taken great comfort in knowing that she takes me before the throne of God daily. I will never know all the things I have been spared because of her prayers.

All of Mom’s neighbors and church family are aware of how much she loves her family. Her house is decorated with at least 100 pictures of her 6 kids, their spouses, 16 grandkids and 5 grandkids’ spouses, and 5 great-grandkids. I’m sure she will find plenty of room to display the pictures of her name sake, little Emma Grace, when she arrives in April. Her refrigerator is papered with art work from every grandchild. My sons know that anytime they appear on her door step she will have their favorite foods, banana pudding and chocolate chip bars, ready and waiting.

Thanks Mom for teaching me how to be a good wife, mother and grandmother by your daily example. Have a wonderful, blessed birthday.

Love you,

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