Sunday, November 18, 2007


I would like to give thanks for my sister Anita or Nita Joy as the family calls her, on her 41st birthday. My first memory of Nita was the cutest little 2 year-old with bouncy little pigtails. I was nine years old when Nita was born 5th in a family of 6 kids. As the oldest, I was always excited every time a new baby came to live with us. Although as a teenager I thought they were all little pests, I wouldn’t trade the experience of being a part of a large family for anything. You always had a friend to depend on and there was never a lack of someone to play with or fight with.

Out of all my siblings, Nita has to be the smartest. I of course am a close second!! Nita was the salutatorian of her high school graduating class. She has proven her great talent for writing in songs, Christmas plays and other literary forms. Nita has used her bilingual skills for many years in helping translate for non-English speaking Hispanics. Recently, she completed her degree in Elementary Education while working a job and as a full time mom to Beka and Luke. She is now a proud 2nd grade teacher, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

I thank God that he allowed Nita to be a part of my life for 41 years. Happy Birthday and thanks for being my little sister.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now I have to live up to all of this. I remember being the little pest and begging to sleep in your bed. It didn't matter that you were a grumpy teenager who wanted her privacy. There was just something about being with my big sister that made me feel special. I am glad we got past the "pest" stage and we are now good friends. There is still something special about "sissy" and it really makes my day to know that you think so highly about me.

Nita Joy