Saturday, November 17, 2007


There once was a father who had many children. He loved his children more than any of his other possessions. He had heard their first cries, watched them take their first steps, and encouraged them through each new accomplishment. Because he loved them so much, he wanted to give them something of great value. Sure, someday all he had would be theirs, but he wanted to give them a gift right now, one they would treasure above everything they owned or would accomplish. The father thought and thought about this special gift. Finally he came up with the most incredible idea. He would give them himself. He would give them the benefit of all the wisdom he had gained over the years. If they came to a fork in the road, he would be there to shine a light and illuminate the right path. When they stumbled, he would be there to pick them up and encourage them to keep going. The father would make sure there was always enough food, a warm coat in the winter and a safe place to rest at night. He would be there with a comforting hug to help dry the tears and a joyous shout at every victory.

All he would require is that they meet with him every day for a short period of time to talk with him and then listen as he would impart everything they would need for that day. The children would need to put their complete faith in him. They could not deviate from the path he would lead them down to follow their own selfish pursuits. Then one day, after they had matured and he could trust them, he would reward them with everything from his vast storehouse. This was a magnificent idea. He could not wait to share it with his children. They would be so excited. Surely they would see how marvelous their lives would be. The day finally arrived; the father gathered all his children around and shared all the details of his plan. He gave them a preview of all the benefits his plan and the future reward that would be theirs. The children were so overwhelmed by how much their father loved them. They were so excited that they couldn’t wait to share it with all their friends. One son began to think of all he would have to do to accept the father’s great gift. What if there was something new and exciting to try? He wanted to experience life on his own. Maybe the plan worked for his father’s generation, but it just wasn’t for him today. If he took the wrong path, well he would just turn around and backtrack until he got it right. It was, after all, his life and his mistakes to make.

The father watched with sad eyes as one son lay down his portion of the gift. He grieved for his son every time he stumbled along on a path the father hadn’t prepared for him. When his son felt discouraged and defeated, he wanted to gather him in his strong arms but his son would not allow his father to comfort him. The son began to grow bitter as he became hardened by life. His sister suggested he consult with the father. The son replied angrily, “Why, what has father ever done for me? If he truly loved me, he wouldn’t let all this evil happen. If he really wanted me to be happy, he would give me what I want. The son continued to sink deeper into hopelessness, never seeing the pleading eyes and outstretched arms of his father. He came to the end. His brothers and sisters were enjoying all the father had to offer, he could only wish he would have made a different choice, but it was too late.

I have talked to so many people who wander aimlessly through life, stubbornly following their own selfish pursuits. When someone dares to mention God to them, their reply I, “what has God ever done for me?” or “How could a loving God ever allow all these bad things to happen.” They never acknowledge the real cause of their mess. They cannot face that it is because they chose to lay the Father’s wonderful gift down and walk away.

God wants to give everyone the most marvelous gift in the world. He wants every one of His children to be filled with His Spirit, the Holy Ghost, just as they were on the Day of Pentecost when the plan was revealed. His Spirit will be with us continually, teach us, guide us, comfort us, and supply our every need. Yet, so many refuse to accept this precious gift. Some may determine that it is not for them today. Others decide that the gift “cramps their style.” Many walk away because the commitment is too great.

There is still time. The Father is still patiently waiting for whosever will to take part in His wonderful plan. Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost today.

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