Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Day 3

Today I am thankful for my daughters-in-law, Holly and Jenesa. Although, I am a daughter and a daughter-in-law or maybe it is because I am both, I was very apprehensive of being a mother-in-law. I had lived in a 3-man world for so long, I wasn’t sure I could relate to young women anymore. Holly came into our lives first. Like an oldest child, she was my guinea pig. I tried to remember everything that drove me crazy and make sure I didn’t repeat them with my daughter-in-law. The first year she was married to Phil, I drove her crazy by trying too hard. Neither one of us could relax. Hopefully by the time Steven married Jenesa, my approach had improved.

I had raised my boys to be independent thinkers, so I was fully aware there was no way I could give them a list of my requirements for a daughter-in-law. My subtle approach must have worked however, because they presented the perfect candidates. The most important thing a mother wants in a daughter-in-law is that she love her son above anyone else and take care of her grandchildren. I am so blessed to have daughters-in-law who are crazy about my boys, are fantastic mothers and are also gorgeous and talented.

Thank you Holly for loving Phil. For putting up with his love of sports, even though it is something you don’t enjoy. For buying him junk food when an apple or broccoli would be so much healthier. Thank you for being such a good mother to Mackenzie and Madison and allowing us to love and know them without any restrictions. And thanks for making all those long trips across the bridge with 2 babies, letting them call me on the telephone, and just being a part of our family.

Jenesa, Happy Birthday. You are a true blessing in our lives also. Thank you for loving Steven. For listening to his “wisdom” and smiling the whole time. Although you enjoy watching sports, I’m sure Michigan and Chicago Bears Football, along with Michigan and Pistons basketball came become a little boring. And I know it is too late to convince Steven that Don Pablos is not a fine restaurant. Thank you for taking such good care of Caleb and allowing us to be such a great part of his life. And thanks for moving across the street from us and all the little ways you show you love us. We’ve only known you for 2 ½ years, but you have become one of our 4 kids.

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thank you God for giving me sons to enjoy for 30 and 28 years. Thank you for my daughters that I have learned to love as much.

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