Wednesday, November 21, 2007



Today I would like to thank God for the men in my life, my husband Steve and sons Steven and Philip. I have learned to look at things from a man’s point of view, practical and to the point. They have taught me to appreciate football and always root for the Chicago Bears. I now understand that it’s “not a good job or okay” if you strike out. They would rather lose than tie, but winning is always best. I still disagree that there is no need to make your bed every day and a shirt can be worn for 3 days as long as it is your favorite and you don’t gag at the smell.

I started out with one of the truly great men, my dad. My observation of him over 18 years taught me exactly what qualities to look for in a husband and father for my children. The second man in my life was my brother Mike, who is only 21 months younger than me. As preschoolers we played pretend games endlessly. Of course he was the dad, I was the mom; he was the preacher, I played the accordion. As we grew older, we rode bikes and played baseball in the back yard with all the neighbor kids from sun up until dark. After dark, we played hide and seek and captured fireflies. When I met Steve, Mike would have him over on Saturday night after church, so we could sit up, play games and I could try to catch a husband.

I met Steve at a church Valentine banquet when I was 17 years old. I knew from the moment I saw him that someday he would be my husband. He is 5 months younger than me, so we had to wait for a whole year, until the next May to be married. For some reason our parents thought he should be 18. One of the best days of my life was my wedding day. I had dreamed all my life of being a bride. As Steve says, he was just the missing link. Actually he was and still is my dream man, my knight in shining armor, my best friend, the man who makes me furious one minute and makes me laugh the next; a real HUNK. He is the only one I could ever imagine growing old with. I am also thankful that because he is such a Man of God, we will get to spend eternity together.

Another great day was the day my first son, Steven was born. I wrote all about that day in a previous post. As he was 30 years ago, Steven continues to be a great joy and blessing in my life. He is so talented and smart, loves a good debate and has an opinion about everything. He is also a great husband to Jenesa and a great father to Caleb.

April 12, 1979, a great day in history. My second son, Philip, was born. Phil was a child that everyone was drawn to. He has irresistible blue eyes and a hilarious personality. When you first meet Phil it is hard to believe that he almost has a Masters in Mathematics. He is smart and has a mind like a steel trap. Phil can quote practically every line from all the “stupid” movies he has seen. Like the rest of my men, Phil is a wonderful husband to Holly and an adoring father to Mackenzie and Madison.

I have been so blessed by all these wonderful men. I thank God for their love, strength and faithfulness.

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