Thursday, November 8, 2007


ANOTHER DOG STORY (Charlie had cancer and has gone where all beloved dogs go on March 14, 2007; see picture of Gabe in previous post)
Philippians 4:13 (KJV)
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Have you ever wanted to do something out of the ordinary? Ever hear God calling you to fulfill your destiny, but it was out of your comfort zone? Maybe it is time to get off the porch. God speaks to us in many different ways and through various experiences. This particular lesson was revealed through our two golden retrievers Gabe and Charlie.

Gabe is the alpha dog and usually does his own thing. Charlie, on the other hand, is the beta dog. He has a sweet, gentle personality and follows faithfully after Gabe. I was sitting on the front porch reading a book, the two dogs were at my feet watching neighbors mow their lawns, bicyclists, and children enjoying the sunny summer afternoon. The hum of the sprinkler spraying back and forth on the dry lawn provided a soothing background to all the activities. My husband came out of the garage carrying a hammer. Gabe immediately ran off the porch, braved the sprinkler, following “dad” around the side of the house to offer his expertise in fence-mending. Charlie stood up with longing in his eyes, put one foot off the step, the spray from the sprinkler showered him and he retreated back to the safety of the porch. After several attempts to dodge the spray, Charlie finally lay back down on the porch with a long sigh. He had missed his opportunity to experience something new but more important he lost out on fellowship with “dad.”

Can you name any of the followers who actually walked with Christ? Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, the other James, Simon, Judas, Mary Magdalene, Martha, Mary, mother of Jesus, Joanna, Susanna and many more.

Name the people who were called but said no. The people who couldn’t leave all and follow Jesus for the most part were not mentioned. They faded into the background and were left out of written history.

How many times has God desired to use us in a powerful way that is new and out of our comfort zone? How many times have we cheated ourselves from experiencing fellowship with our heavenly Father because a few little water droplets become an insurmountable barrier? It is time to get off the porch, let God lead us through the sprinkler and into our purpose.

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