Friday, November 23, 2007



Today I am thankful for God’s favor. In the NIV, the word favor is found 116 times. It is referred to as grace or respect in the King James Version.

Although I have done nothing to deserve it, He has bestowed His favor on me from the moment I was born. I was privileged to have parents that not only loved and provided for me, but made sure I was taught to love God, how to be thankful and live in God’s favor. I enjoyed a wonderful childhood with 4 sisters and 1 brother. As I grew, I was surrounded by Godly men and women who loved me and encouraged me to continue to seek God’s will for my life.

It was the favor of God that led my Dad to go to a little church of 30 people when I was 16 years old. There I would meet the person He had created just for me, with whom I would spend the rest of my life. My husband, Steve, has helped me to develop a deeper relationship with God. He has also helped me to learn to enjoy the favor of God without the guilt that blessing can sometimes bring. I have been blessed with healthy children and grandchildren, in which I find great delight every day. He has provided a great home, adequate finances, friends and even 2 dogs, Gabe and Charlie.

Steve and I volunteered Wednesday at the Saginaw Rescue Mission. As we prayed with the people that had come to eat a hot meal and listen to the gospel, I was again reminded of the favor of God on my life. We prayed for people to be delivered from drugs, those who had loved ones in prison, many had lost family members to violence and were just trying to cope day to day. One lady was thankful that she had choked on a pill 2 years ago while trying to end her life. Some had no other place to get a hot meal or a safe place to live in. There were children, teenagers, young, middle age, and older adults.

Acts 10:34 tells us that God is not a respecter of persons. There always questions of why am I favored and others are not; why did God allow me to be born in America to a Godly family; why were my children born healthy and others have defects from birth? I don’t know the answers; I have to trust in God’s sovereignty and His omniscience. I do believe that we are not favored by God as just a random act, favor is bestowed to fulfill God’s purpose. It is up to me to not waste or take for granted God’s Favor. I must continue to be thankful, kind, loving, generous. I have the God-given responsibility to use this favor to bring others into a relationship with our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

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