Thursday, May 30, 2019



2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. (kjv)

Because we are earthly, we engage in earthly pursuits. However, it is easy to allow ourselves to become so obsessed with Earthly Pursuits until they consume our thoughts, our time and our behavior. It is beneficial to perform a Daily Self-Examination…

What thoughts consume my mind?
Am I constantly thinking about planning, scheming regarding an earthly ambition.

What about my time? Are my normal daily activities just necessary evils to get out of the way, so I can return to my real “love?”

How do I treat my family, my neighbors, my co-workers and even the ones involved in my obsession? Especially, how do I react if I feel someone doesn’t “understand” or share or “gets in the way” as I perfect every aspect of my pursuit?

Let us never forget we are AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST and also let us be careful to not allow our AMBASSADORSHIP to become our OBSESSION. Read the rest of 2 Corinthians 5:20, after the comma, “AS THOUGH GOD WERE PLEADING THROUGH US.”

We are not CHRISTIAN AMBASSADORS; we are AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST and there is a difference…let us go forth today, engaging in our daily pursuits as if GOD WERE PLEADING THROUGH US.

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