Friday, May 17, 2019



John 12:32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself.

Go back…it’s the night before the big test; you’ve attended class faithfully, never missed a day; you’ve studied and done all the home work, BUT…what if I forget everything; what if I freeze up; what if they ask questions about things I don’t know; what if I studied the wrong thing…and you have a restless night.

Such was my night.  I’ve studied; I’ve done the homework; I’ve prayed; I’ve prepared but the uncertainty persisted….what if I freeze up; what if I prepared the wrong stuff; what if I didn’t really hear what God was saying; what if they all fall asleep.

I finally fell asleep around 3 a.m. and of course was sleeping soundly when the alarm went off at 6 a.m.  Walking groggily to the bathroom, hoping a hot shower will do the trick, or is it a cold shower to wake you up. 


In the middle of massaging the shampoo into my hair, He speaks…. "LIFT ME HIGH.”  So simple but those three words say it all… "LIFT HIM HIGH.”

We go through life overworked, tired, stressed, and apprehensive; trying to impress people who are overworked, tired, stressed and apprehensive because they are also trying to impress someone.  We burn the “midnight oil” building careers to provide the funds to buy houses we can’t afford, cars that rust away, clothes that go out of style and vacations that provide only pretty pictures, all because we want to stand out from everyone else; be significant; make our mark….

Yet, the only thing that really matters in the end is “DID WE LIFT HIM HIGH.”

So as I speak this morning, my mission is, “LIFT JESUS HIGH!”  And that will make all the difference.

♪♪ “You be lifted high; You be lifted high
You be lifted high in my life, Oh God
And I fall to my knees, so it’s You that they see, not I
Jesus, You be lifted high.” ♪♪
(Michael W. Smith, You Be Lifted High)

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