Monday, May 6, 2019



2 Chronicles 20:17 You will not need to fight in the battle.  Position yourselves, STAND STILL and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem! Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.

Have you ever come to a crossroad?  The road ahead comes to an end, so you have to make a decision; right or left?  You may say, well that’s easy; you just choose the direction of your destination.  Sounds so simple, but if you have entered unknown territory, the destination directions can become a little muddled, even when using GPS. 

So it is in life, you and Jesus are driving happily down the road and Jesus says, “You know this road; go ahead and I will check back later.”  Then it happens; a crossroad…”Jesus, right or left?” And you hear the “Sound of Silence.”

I have been praying for some answers, parked at the crossroad.  It seems that I have been parked here so long that the tires have found a home in the muddy ruts.  THEN FINALLY, God breaks the silence… “Go on a 3 day fast and when your SPIRITUAL HUNGER MEETS YOUR PHYSICAL HUNGER, I will give you the answer.”

Ok, Yes Lord!  So I went on a 3 day fast and I GOT HUNGRY…I prayed; Day 1 – no answer; Day 2- no answer.  That’s ok, God said, “3 days.”  Day 3 – All is calm; all is quiet – no answer.  As a matter of fact – the stillness became even more pronounced; so much that prayer became a strenuous exercise….NOTHING! 

FINALLY, a word given by a sweet lady during worship, “I have not brought you to the wilderness to die.”  THANK YOU JESUS! But, what is the answer; do I go left or right?  Then my friend, Pastor Maynard, preaches, “That interference you are experiencing; the enemy is not fighting so much where you are; he is fighting where God is taking you.”  YES! But where is God taking me?

And God says, “JUST STAND STILL! The ruts are going to get a little deeper but you are not going to get “stuck.”  The silence may become a little more “deafening” before the answer comes and the hunger must become more intense if you want to go where I desire to take you; for now you MUST STAND STILL!”

When you are experiencing confusion, discouragement, and spiritual exhaustion; STAND STILL!  It is not the moment to make a decision; God is still working out the details in areas and with people you didn’t even know existed….


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