Wednesday, May 8, 2019



Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Today the sun is shining, the sky is blue and the birds are singing; what a beautiful day for a walk to the lake.  Pandora playing; me singing, I walk the half mile to the lake find my favorite rock, sit for a while and breathe in the peacefulness.

It is just me, a rock, the lake and Jesus, The Rock.  The music plays and a spirit of worship moves in; the beauty of creation fills my senses and God speaks….

“This is what it means to rest in Me…this is the rest with which the weary may rest and this is the refreshing.  I know you are tired; it is because you have not rested; you have not waited on Me.  Your strength is waning because you have run ahead of Me. Observe the eagle; he is not constantly flapping his wings…he flaps to start and finds his current so he can soar…stop flapping and soar with Me.”

Dear God,
I’ve never flown but I want to.  I want to find the current of Your Spirit and soar like an Eagle in You.  I’ve never ran a spiritual marathon, but I want to.  I want to pace myself in you; run when you run and rest when you rest.  I’m pretty good at walking, so until I learn to run, I’ll stay close to your side as we move forward together; renewing my strength in you.

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