Wednesday, May 22, 2019



Psalms 92:13-14 Those who are planted in the House of the Lord shall flourish in the Courts of our God.  14They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.

Have you ever just sat and meditated on the goodness of God?  Set aside a little time and remember where He found you and the journey on which He has led you to the place you are in Him, today.

Think about His guiding hand through the dark places; the clarity to make the right decision when the path ended in a crossroad. Or maybe it was the time God simply said “NO” and closed the door; the door you were so sure was an answer to prayer but later realized was a trap meant to ensnare you. There were the unexpected blessings that filled you with joy and the loving arms that held you close and dried your tears in the midnight hour and through it all you have clung to His promise, “I will never leave you or forsake you”….He has been faithful.

Yes, God, so many memories of your goodness over the last 62 years and now I pray, “let me still bear fruit.”  Sometimes it seems that I dig, I plant, I water but I never see the harvest and I’m a little frustrated.  I know your plan for me has not been completed because I’m still breathing…God I’m so hungry to reap a harvest.

I finished my morning prayer and opened my Bible; bookmarked at Psalms 92….and YES, God is still faithful as He whispers to my heart, “You shall bear fruit in old age.”

And He reminds me how at 9 years old, 53 years ago, I was baptized in His Name and filled with His Spirit….I have been PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD!

He has walked with me every step of the way….AND CAUSED MY LIFE TO FLOURISH IN THE COURTS OF MY GOD!

When He asked me to do a little tilling, I grabbed the hoe and shovel.  I have carried the “seeds of the Gospel” and “watering can of the Spirit,” wherever He led. 


I have a promise, “I SHALL BEAR FRUIT IN OLD AGE.”
But not any old fruit; not the wormy, shriveled up fruit; not the overripe, bruised fruit…


I have a promise that I will bear luscious, desirable fruit; fruit that will produce good seed so that it will continue to flower and reproduce.  Yes, I have a promise that in my old age I will be FRESH AND FLOURISHING!


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