Sunday, August 4, 2019



Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

You get home from camp and on one hand you feel so inspired, but on the other hand you are so exhausted that any inspiration will have to wait for a couple days.  After a 6 hour drive in a truck with a nonfunctioning air conditioner, cleaning essentials out of the RV, three loads of laundry and a hot bath, I couldn’t fall into bed soon enough.  I usually meditate on the Lord and the Word as I slowly drift off to sleep, but last night I don’t remember even drifting off.  So I was a tiny bit aggravated, when my eyes suddenly flew open and I realized it was only a little after 4:00, then slowly the reason my eyes flew open became increasingly clear; these words were spoken to my slumbering spirit…


I always assume that anytime I receive a word that God is addressing a lack in me but perhaps my thoughts can encourage you along the journey also.

In 1979 Victor Kiam received a Remington Shaver from his wife.  He loved the shaver so much, that he bought the company even though at the time, it was failing, having lost $30 million in the previous 3 years.  He believed in the product so strongly that he became a Disciple of Remington; but not just a disciple, he believed in the product enough to take a risk and buy the company.  He became the company’s best advocate with his Television Commercial in which Victor Kiam, the Owner himself, holds a Remington Shaver and says, “I liked the shaver so much, I bought the company.”  During that first year, he recruited enough Remington Disciples to make a profit and 40 years later, Remington is still in business.

In the New Testament, we read that there were many that followed Jesus, some were even called Disciples, but not all of them believed so strongly that they “bought into the company.”  Many were just “spectators and followers.”  It is recorded in 2 Timothy 4:10, that Demas, one of the followers, found the Cost of Discipleship; the Risk of Buying into the Company, too high and Paul states, “Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world.”  There is no record of Demas fulfilling the Great Commission of spreading the Gospel, baptizing and making Disciples…Demas was merely a Follower of Jesus.

John 6:26 Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.

Then there were the followers that formed a crowd wherever and whenever Jesus was in town.  Perhaps they would see a miracle; maybe Jesus would again provide a hearty meal BUT where were they when there were no miracles or there wasn’t a church potluck?  Not one of them stood with John at the foot of the cross.  And Jesus saw right through their selfish admiration and said, “You don’t really want Me; you are not willing to buy into the “company,” you only come around for the freebies and the handouts. 

Luke 6:13 And when it was day, He called unto Him, His disciples; and of them He chose twelve, whom also He named Apostles.

While Jesus walked on the earth, only twelve were willing to follow Him and even then one betrayed Him.  Finally left with eleven faithful Disciples; men willing to risk it all and “buy the company,” Jesus tells them to GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS.

But you see until they BECAME A DISCIPLE…until they BOUGHT THE COMPANY, Jesus could not entrust the MAKING OF DISCIPLES to them.

What about me; what about you…Am I a Disciple Maker or am I just a Follower?  Am I such a BELIEVER that I will RISK IT ALL to BUY THE COMPANY?  If Jesus called all His Disciples together would I be ONE OF THE TWELVE chosen and called Apostle? Or do I merely show up spectate, hoping to see a miracle or two?  Perhaps I’m the one standing at the edge of the crowd, hoping there are enough “freebie blessings” that one will get passed to me, so I can go home happy.

Yes, BECOMING A DISCIPLE means following, listening, learning, practicing, risking, surrendering, leaving and denying; THEN…pursuing, speaking, teaching, accomplishing, loving, giving, sacrificing as you REPRODUCE and MAKE A DISCIPLE.

My prayer…Lord, give me such a love for You; help me to make such a commitment to You that I am willing to risk it all to “Buy the Company” and convince others to invest their all to spread the Gospel and fulfill Your Commission.


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