Friday, August 23, 2019



Proverbs 29:23 A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.

We’ve all come in contact with the person that “KNOWS IT ALL!” You can’t share any news with them; THEY ALREADY KNOW! You can’t instruct them regarding anything; THEY ALREADY KNOW! You cannot even help them find further revelation in the Word of God because, THEY ALREADY KNOW ALL TRUTH! The best thing to do when you encounter Mr./Mrs. Know-it-all is to step back and let them fail…you can watch if it isn’t too painful, but they WILL eventually fail.
Now we have all been there at one time or another; our pride overrode our humility and good sense. Usually we just don’t want to look stupid in front of someone; you don’t want to be laughed at; maybe Mr./Mrs. Know-it-all is watching.

Humbling yourself and admitting you “just don’t know,” is difficult because, IT PUTS THE OTHER PERSON IN THE SEAT OF POWER AND EXPOSES A DEFICIENCY IN YOU!
Psalm 149:4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.

How many times have we come before God with a haughty and prideful spirit? In prayer, we declare our DESIRES, and then proceed to give God the INSTRUCTIONS, so He can get it right. OR...perhaps instead of a “heart of repentance” we approach the throne boasting of our righteousness and exploits, then wonder why we never hear God’s Voice.

God doesn’t need instruction and all our righteousness are merely “filthy rags” when we present them in the light of His Holiness. God is omnipotent, nothing about Him changes if we refuse to “put Him in the seat of power” in our lives…


EVERYTHING in our life will change when we approach Him with a humble spirit, placing Him in the “Seat of Power,” in our heart.

Psalms 149:4 says “With Pleasure,” God will give you instruction, guidance and blessing. And if that isn’t enough, He will “Beautify you with Salvation.” All that in exchange for a little humility!


Humble yourself as you enter into His Presence; acknowledge His “Right to His Throne;” don’t be afraid to be vulnerable; HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR ALL YOUR DEFICIENCIES. Let Him love on you a little and you will be amazed at the DAY OF BLESSING you will experience.

James 4:10 Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.

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