Friday, August 23, 2019



Matthew 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish.

“WE’RE HAVING A BABY!  I’M GOING TO BE A MOM!”  Remember the first time you said those words?  The wonder; the joy; the anticipation; the fear; the planning…all of those thoughts suddenly running through your head.  Will I buy frills and pink and dolls or blue and trucks and baseball bats?  Will I be a good Mom?  Will I know what to do at 3 in the morning?  THE NAME….what name will we choose; I have to google lists and meanings; he/she has to have the perfect name.

THE THOUGHT THAT DIDN’T RUN THROUGH MY HEAD…. “I wonder where there is an abortion clinic. That night of fun sure put a halt to my plans. OR This is certainly inconvenient and will ruin my career.”

I can’t wrap my mind around the mindset and I weep when I read that an actress, unapologetically and boldly states, “I have no regrets for having 2 abortions; I would not have my career.”   So, I killed my babies because they would have interfered with my life and my plans.

Innocent Babies, future leaders, doctors, lawyers, scientists, inventors, presidents, preachers, missionaries, moms and dads, all created in the Image of God, slaughtered on the Altar of Selfishness; the Altar of Convenience.

When Israel allowed their children to be sacrificed to Moloch, God did not turn a blind eye.  America, God is not turning a blind eye to your finance of the sacrifice of children on the Altars of Self-Indulgence and Convenience. 


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