Wednesday, August 14, 2019



Jeremiah 2:11 Has a nation changed its gods, Which are not gods? But My people have changed their Glory for what does not profit.

Once again Israel had been unfaithful and once again God was calling them back to Himself…a scenario that had been and would be repeated over and over in Israel’s History.

Israel had been set aside to be a special people, one that would show forth the Glory of God to the Heathen. A people that, through them the whole world would be blessed, but they had pursued the way of the heathen rather than the ways of God and God was grieved.

Jeremiah 2:2-3, God says I remember when you were a young nation, how you loved me; how you went after me in the wilderness. You were Holiness unto me.

So how do we get from Verse 2 to Verse 11? What a sad commentary on the state of a “holy” people. God tells them to look at the other nations around; the nations that worship gods of stone, metal and wood and He states, “They never change their gods. Their gods never speak, never give direction, never send blessing; they are not even truly gods, yet the people remain faithful to the gods of their imagination.

ISRAEL, YOU, however, had the True God. I sat you apart, just for Me; My Glory rested on you and you were blessed above all nations…HOW COULD YOU exchange MY GLORY for a thing imagined and made by human hands?

Today, God views the His people; the ones set aside; called by His Name and says, “I placed my Glory in your midst from the beginning. You know what it is to experience a genuine move of My Spirit. You know the awesomeness of my Presence and the blessings that rested upon you….WHY??? HOW COULD YOU exchange MY GLORY for things imagined; created by human hands?

Now you pursue MY Glory through things that will not profit. My Glory will not be found in programs, symbols, sensational doctrines of men…Stop seeking manifestations and SEEK MY PRESENCE….Only then will you experience My Glory once again in your midst."

God has not withdrawn from us; He is not hidden, we have merely “Exchanged His Glory for that which does not profit.” 


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