Sunday, August 11, 2019



Isaiah 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,”

Praying this morning for more sensitivity…Sensitivity to hear the voice of God; sensitivity to the moving of the Spirit; sensitivity to the silent cries of those in need; and sensitivity to the opportunities that God places in my path.

I was reminded of the old Safecrackers, who would actually file their finger tips to make them more sensitive as they spun the dial of the lock. Their fingers became so in tune with the lock that they could feel every bump, tick or slight hesitation in the tumblers.

And I pray…Dear God take your “Spiritual File” to my life. File off all of the calloused flesh that has built up around my heart. Remove all of the distractions that divert my focus on you. Help me to lay aside all of the busyness that I allow to fill my day and prevent me from seeing the open doors of opportunity that you provide. Quiet the noise that I may hear your voice as you speak your Word to my spirit.

Help me to feel every bump, tick or slight hesitation as I follow you down the path you have laid out for me to travel…I want to be sensitive to You.

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