Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Greg Mancina, Saginaw News columnist says good riddance to 2007 and that there is no way 2008 could get much worse than 2007. He cites the funding of the “failure” in Iraq, laments the toy recall due to lead, the looming mortgage crisis, the declining American dollar, steroid use by our sport’s heroes, a Harry Potter character’s outing, congressional bathroom scandals and how you could not find the one safe toy, the Nintendo Wii, on the shelf. The only bright moments during the year that made his list were the UFO sighting by Dennis Kucinich, O. J. Simpson back on trial, the Yankees not winning the World Series and the “Don’t Tase Me Bro” man at the John Kerry rally. How sad !!!

Mr. Mancina’s problem is that he is focusing on the half-empty aspect of events from 2007. Someone looking at the glass as half-full might mention that even the Democrats are finally admitting that the surge is working, 97% of American borrowers pay their mortgage payments on time every month, and companies care enough to issue recalls instead of cover-ups that would harm the younger population. Perhaps we can use the seamier side of life to teach our children that hitting a baseball does not make one a hero, even leaders make wrong choices that result in unpleasant consequences and there are much more important things in life than the latest video game craze.

In January 2007, I lost my job due to the sale of my company. I chose to look at this as an opportunity to spend more time with my family and volunteer at the local homeless shelter. In October my mother-in-law passed away. While we miss her greatly, we rejoice that she is no longer suffering and is at peace due to her faith in God. The Saturday before Christmas, my sister and brother-in-law were involved in what could have been a serious accident. Although the truck was totaled, we paused to give thanks that they escaped with only sore muscles and a few bruises. It is really all about how you choose to view events.

The Apostle Paul said it best in Philippians 4:8, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

As I look back at 2007, I choose to be thankful for the many blessings and learn valuable lessons from the unpleasant events. Standing at the brink of 2008, I anticipate a year filled with success and failure, happiness and sorrow, always with the assurance that tomorrow the sun will still be shining and the flowers will eventually bloom.

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