Saturday, January 19, 2008


Most of us have events occur in our life that we can never forget. They make such an impact that just closing our eyes for a moment takes us back to the time, day, and location, Another moment and the feelings come rushing over us every bit as real as the day of the event. If you are old enough you can remember the JFK assassination, the explosion of the Challenger, the day Elvis died and of course 9/11. A day I will never forget was the day God changed my life. I repented, was baptized, and received the Holy Ghost on October 9, 1966. It was 41 years ago on my 9th birthday. I can still remember the little prayer room in the church on Kilburn Avenue, Rockford, IL. I will never forget the lightness I experienced knowing my sins were gone. And you cannot know real joy until you experience the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Since that day, I have wanted to serve God. Although, I have not been perfect, I was always aware of God’s hand leading and guiding my life. In recent years, I have felt this deep yearning to be a real servant of God. I want to lead someone to experience the joy that I have found in a close relationship with Jesus Christ. Many times I have prayed that God would open doors, make me sensitive to others and help me to recognize opportunities. In the past year, God has put me in many situations to minister to someone through prayer, an encouraging word or email and even helping them find the aisle the groceries were located.

Did those things really make a difference in their lives? Did anyone go home and think about the kind, helpful woman at the grocery store? I begged God to please let me know, if I was really making a difference. I have finally heard what God has been trying to teach me for the last few years. YOU DON’T NEED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, I ALREADY HAVE!!!! I have stopped asking God for results and rewards, it is enough that He trusts me enough to minister to one of His precious creation.

An excerpt from a compilation of Mother Theresa’s writings by Brian Kolodiejchuk puts the whole thing into perspective. Mother Theresa had finished her final vows to become a nun. She had made a private vow to Jesus to “never refuse to do anything He asked of her.” God told her to go to Calcutta and work with the poorest of the poor. He also instructed her to lay aside the traditional nun’s habit signifying her chosen vocation and don the simple linen dress and sari of the lower caste Indian woman. This may seem like such an insignificant action. Does God really care whether we have on a suit and tie or working man’s shirt? No, what he does care about is that His Glory shines brightly as we fade into the background. John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” As we decrease, God will do mighty and wondrous works through us.

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