Wednesday, January 9, 2008


The political season is up on us. We’ve now been through a highly publicized caucus and primary and one little known caucus in Wyoming. The Michigan Primary is Tuesday. I have been very careful to not show support for any candidate to date because I did not want to influence or offend anyone reading my blog. I am a lifelong Republican and am still listening to each candidate’s case as to why they should be president. I still have 6 days to decide.
Although it isn’t a popular opinion, I have to confess, I love the political season. We even have Election Night parties with great food, moans, groans and cheers. My friends think I’m crazy, my family, thankfully, understand and share in my sentiments. I find it energizing and exhilarating. I enjoy every debate, both Republican and Democrat. I even enjoy the ads, the negativity and the thinly veiled barbs thrown at opponents. I sift through all the rhetoric, look at past records, but the true test of character is in the candidates’ response to the opponents “attacks” during both debates and advertising.

Now I will probably offend someone. I do not understand how a committed Christian can vote for a Democrat. As stated above, I vote Republican. I believe that the moral issues of life and marriage have to be considered over economic issues. I cannot trust an individual who does not value human life above all else with my money. It is very hard to believe a “man’s word” who thinks nothing of cheating on his wife and children. Finally, anyone who will not stand for marriage and against gay rights does not deserve my mark next to his name. Economically speaking, the best help for the poor and under-privileged is to provide a friendly atmosphere to corporations, thus creating better jobs and opportunities. I also take exception to anyone stealing my hard earned money to fund projects that do not benefit me. As a Christian, I generously give to worthwhile charities and do not consider the government to be one of them.

I have to admit, the Republican platform is not perfect. The two biggest issues I have a problem reconciling are gun control and the death penalty. Here are my feelings on gun control; I will discuss the death penalty in a separate posting. The official platform is against gun control, citing the 2nd amendment, The Right to Bear Arms. I am a big believe in all the civil rights we are guaranteed by the Constitution. I think, if you choose, you have a right to own a gun for hunting and protection. I am for registering, waiting periods, and back ground checks. I do not understand why anyone needs or should want an assault weapon. The argument states that gun controls do not prevent criminals from obtaining weapons. I agree, it is ridiculous to assume that anyone wanting to commit a crime would go through legal channels to obtain a gun. In my opinion the gun controls are to protect good people from doing stupid things.

Whether you agree with me or not, whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, please go vote. As a citizen of this great country, it is your right and your voice. If you don’t exercise your right to vote, don’t bother exercising your right to free speech, it has lost all credibility. We have enough actionless complainers.

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