Wednesday, January 23, 2008


One of the buzz words in today’s youth culture is “Dis” as in she dissed (disrespected) me. Many fights have erupted because one individual felt they had been dishonored by another. We all want to be respected and treated with honor. Hurt feelings, grudges and deep wounds occur because we don’t receive the respect we feel we deserve. If we are honest with ourselves most of the times we are “dissed”, we have failed to show respect to someone else.

I am currently reading Honor’s Reward by John Bevere. He states we are commanded to honor others, not because it is deserved but because it is honoring God. According to the dictionary, Honor is high respect for the worth of something or someone; deference, reverence or homage. The opposite is Dishonor, which means to treat in a disrespectful or demeaning manner; to bring shame or disgrace.

In the world we seldom see “everyday respect” for other people. Men no longer hold doors for ladies, children no longer stand so their elders may sit, our civil authorities are referred to as “pigs”, teachers are disobeyed and showered with profanity and even our church leaders have become the butt of distasteful jokes on late night talk shows. We are a nation of disrespect and dishonor.

Children learn to honor others by the way we show honor, even when it is not deserved. If Dad is constantly berating Mom and Mom ridicules Dad at every turn, children began to believe that neither parent is worthy of honor. Most television shows, especially “sitcoms” portray Dad as a bumbling idiot and Mom going her own way without regard for dad or the children. Disrespectful behavior is constantly reinforced.

Parents consistently take sides against teachers and pastors. Children began to believe that no one has a right to point out that they could possibly be wrong, let alone correct their mistakes. This belief is passed on through generations, until we raise up a group of people that have no regard for any authority. It moves up the ladder, even reaching the President of the United States. If he is not of your political party, he is referred to disdainfully as "Bill" or "George." The Bible says that God bestows authority. Even when the person dishonors the authority bestowed upon him we have no excuse to show disrespect. When our children observe us showing honor and respect to those who deserve it the least, they will once again learn to respect and honor those in their world.

When did it begin? Where did it all start? I feel it all began when we stopped honoring and fearing God. He is now referred to as the man upstairs or JCor even worse, my homie.” When we once again refer to God as My Savior and The Almighty God; if we ever fall on our knees and cry “Holy, Holy, Holy; when we finally make Him the center of our lives, we will begin to honor others as God has commanded.

If you have "dissed" the people God has put in authority over you or the people who may be under you, make a decision today to go out of your way to honor everyone you meet with a smile, a kind word or a helping hand. Remember you are doing it as unto the Lord. If you continue this practice, it will become a habit and you will find yourself “LIVIN’ WITHOUT DISSIN”.

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