Saturday, January 5, 2008


The Christmas trees are down and all the decorations packed away for the next 11 months. Five days into the New Year, I have written 2008 on checks without a correction and more impressive, I am 4 days into my new way of eating. Yes, like millions of people, my resolution was to eat healthier, exercise more and fit into the piles of clothes in my other closet. Many people refuse to make New Year’s Resolutions because they feel they will just be broken. In my opinion that is a cop-out. If you don’t want to go on a diet, don’t!! To me a resolution is the same as setting a goal for the coming year. I can guarantee if you never set a goal, you will never progress to a new level. If you never set a goal, you have no responsibility to take a step toward change and you will stay the same. So, call it New Year’s Goals!!!

I am asking all my faithful readers to be my accountability group. Every week, I am going to write a progress report, good or bad. If I find a good recipe I will share it and ask if you have any tips, leave a comment or email me at

So, My first week has been good and here’s a new, simple recipe.

Susan’s Italian Chicken
4 thawed, skinless, boneless chicken breasts
½ cup Fat Free Italian Dressing
1/4 cup seasoned bread crumbs
Marinate for at least 2 hours in ½ cup fat free Italian Dressing. Take chicken out of marinade, leaving only what clings to chicken, Toss out remaining marinade
Place in a sprayed baking pan, sprinkle with seasoned bread crumbs
Bake uncovered at 400 for 30 minutes.

Here’s to a happier, healthier New Year.

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