Thursday, January 24, 2008


Tomorrow morning I will rise early, check my list of things to pack, juice, sip cups, non-messy snacks, and special cds, then set off on a 3 hour journey to pick up my 2 very special weekend guests. Mackenzie and Madison are coming to spend the weekend with Grandpa & Grandma. We have great plans for the next two days. They include exciting things like sledding down hills, snowball fights, hot chocolate and cookies. In the evening we will play Candy land and catch with fuzzy balls, watch animated videos, eat popcorn and ice cream. We can put away the salad and health foods because at Grandma’s house you get macaroni & cheese, pizza, chips and grilled cheese. We will take lots of pictures and send some home for the memory books. Hopefully they will look at them and beg to come back in a few weeks.

I am a long-distance Grandma. It is the hardest thing in the world to live 6 hours away from the 2 most precious little girls in the whole world. Every time I see a new picture or hear their voice on the phone I want to jump in the car and bring them back. This trip started with a phone call in which a little 3-1/2 year old voice said, “Gramma, I need to come for a little visit.” Well who could resist that request? Then of course Madison has to give her usual Hi and Bye. The result, Grandma is on her knees praying for good weather on Friday.

I am so thankful that I am also an across-the-street Grandma. Caleb spends every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with me. We play peek-a-boo, stack blocks and share pieces of mashed banana. I treasure every time he nestles in my arms, sleepily listening to me sing or when he throws his head back and giggles because Grandma is pretending to nibble his ear. I know it won’t be long until all three think I’m out of touch. It will be too embarrassing to give Grandma a kiss goodbye and playing cars with Grandpa will no longer be cool.

So I’m trying to create all the memories now that will permanently imprint themselves on little brains; memories of unconditional love, lots of hugs, tasty treats and exciting times. Then when the time comes that they are so busy with growing up and going to Grandma’s is lame, a tiny bit of nostalgia will call, a memory will pop up when least expected and a yearning to snuggle between Grandpa and Grandma with a big bowl of popcorn will overwhelm them.

There’s no need to ask if a 6 hour round trip Friday and again on Sunday is worth it. We’ve got memories to make!!!

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