Monday, December 31, 2007


Today is the last day of 2007. Not one person I have spoken with has said that the end of the year has slowly crept up on them. I felt, as everyone did, that I had just put Christmas 2006 to rest when it was time to decorate the house for 2007. I hardly remember the month of December and now there are just a few hours left in the year. We all remember the excitement, anticipation and anxiety we felt December 31, 1999, yet in only two years a new decade will begin. Our life is truly “like a vapor.”

For most people, January 1 or 2, if you watch the bowl games, offers a new beginning. Most people resolve to start a new diet, exercise regularly, pray and read the Bible faithfully, stop this habit or start a new lifestyle. We have a whole year of choices lying ahead. There is nothing we can do to fix the choices we made over the previous 12 months and nothing good comes from living a life of regret. What matters now are the choices you will make today. You can choose to drown in bitterness or forgive and overcome the hurts you have suffered. You can choose to be consumed by anger or live in the Joy of the Lord. You can choose to live a selfish life or one of compassion. You can choose to follow your own path or the one God has prepared for you since the day you were born. You are standing on the threshold of a wonderful, fulfilled life, but you must step over the threshold to experience God’s blessing. How sad to arrive at December 31, 2008, the beginning of a new decade, or the end of your life still standing on the threshold.

Revelation 3:8 says, “Behold I have set before you an open door and no man can shut it.”

January 1, 2008 …. A new beginning …. An open door …. Don’t get stuck at the threshold.

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