Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Last Friday, my husband’s family met in Missouri to celebrate the life of my Mother-in-law. Funerals always seem to bring families together. We talked with friends, aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members we had not been in contact with in several years. My husband met family he didn’t even know existed. It was truly a celebration of her life and a “going away” party for her future.

My cousin Mark has written how southern people use the phrase, “they passed.” When talking of one’s death, maybe southern people get it!! The phrase makes much more sense than “she passed away”, “we lost our loved one”, or “the deceased.” We aren’t gone, wandering around in limbo and our life certainly hasn’t ceased, it has just begun. I prefer the term “graduated.”

My philosophy of life is that we have a set time of preparation. We are constantly learning, applying what we learn, taking pop quizzes, sometimes we have all night study sessions and one-on-one tutoring with the teacher. I’ve even had to take refresher courses. This is all in preparation for the “Final Exam.” Where we spend eternity is based on whether we pass or fail the final exam, there are no retakes.

An old song keeps running through my mind:

Now when I’m gone, don’t weep for me,
And please don’t grieve for I will be,
Taking a trip for which my heart doth yearn.
A better home I know I’ll find
When I leave this world behind
I won’t be back for I’ll be gone there to stay.

When I finish the course and pass, I went a big “send off.” Don’t weep for me, but rejoice; I’ve passed the test.

1 comment:

Penny said...

That was realy sweet what you wrote.
Love Penny