Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I finally made it. The big FIVE-O, Half a Century and eligible for AARP, I’ll take all the discounts at restaurants and hotels. Three kids call me Grandma and I need the little half glasses to read but I’m not ready for gray hair and orthopedic shoes.

50 is such a confusing number. The calendar says yes, my mind says no way! I should be dripping with wisdom, yet I’m still unsure about so many things. I am still full of energy, that is after I stand for about five minutes after getting out of bed.

I’ve decided this will be my JUBILEE YEAR; a year of new beginnings. I love starting fresh, New Years Day, Mondays, the first day of the month, Spring; I’ll take any reason to start fresh. Maybe I will take all of the things I have learned in 50 years and become a Brand New Me. Perhaps I will start on a new adventure for God, get out of my comfort zone and grab hold of that dream. I will find something to be thankful for and enjoy about every day. I will become the coolest Granny ever. I intend to wear purple, pink, red or orange proudly, maybe even all at one time. Finally, I will take time for the important people in my life, cherish the differences in each of us, and celebrate the things that bring us together.
Maybe 50 isn’t so confusing after all. I’m finally smart enough to realize I don’t know it all, I need to savor every moment, relationships are more valuable than possessions and God is always faithful.

Happy Birthday to me!!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!!!!!!!!

Today is also my girl's "adopted" grandma in Texas' birthday!!!! So seeing your site reminded me and I called her and left a message! :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my friend. You write very thoughtfully and with much reflection. You sound a bit like me. Perhaps we knew each other in another life. I just may have to jump in with both feet and do this myself. Love Ya! Brenda Carol

Anonymous said...

Aunt Susan-

Just think, you're younger than Oprah, and she's still hot. Fifty is the new forty. Happy Birthday.

Love Andrew & Loren Ann

Anonymous said...

50 Things I Learned From My 50 Year Old Sister
1. Even if you're called "Sissy" most of your life, you can still be tough.
2. The way to control small children is to lay on the couch and have them brush your hair.
3. Big sisters are the next best thing to a mom.
4. You can go to college no matter how old you are.
5. You can turn rowdy uncontrollable boys into successful young men.
6. Always stand up for what you believe, even if it's not popular.
7. Penny Loafers and Cat Eyes are cool.
8. Organization can make everything better.
9. First born children are special treat them with care.
10. You can work and still be a great mom.
11. Kissing a boy on the front porch is okay as long as you have 4 little sisters chaperoning from the window.
12. If someone loves you they'll stay with you even if your little sister calls them Pinnochio.
13. Tattoos and wild hair are okay.(Just Kidding)
14. Oldest children pave the way, so the youngest has it easy.
15. Success is based on determination.
16. Love is unconditional.
17. Your children can still make it in life, even if they pee in mall fountains.
18. Matching lingerie is wonderful.
19. Stick with your natural hair color, God gave it to you for a reason.
20. Don't let anyone tell you, that you can't do something.
21. Reading can take you away from the chaos around you.
22. Finding who you really are can happen at any age.
23. Faithfulness brings success.
24. Being a christian is an attitude and a spirit that people around you can see.
25. Singing can free your spirit.
26. All dogs go to heaven.
27. Forgiveness can free your soul.
28. People are human, and we all make mistakes.
29. The most important people in your life, will show up for the most important events in your life.
30. Believing in someone can be the most important thing you do.
31. Being a Grandma, must be almost better than being a mom.
32. When you're pregnant babies don't fall down in your leg.
33. Sleeping in your big sister's bed is a privelege, just as long as you "lay still, and make your nest."
34. Being a true sports fan is always believing in your team. (GO BEARS!!!)
35. The phone will not be answered if the Bears are playing.
36. If your baby sister is a brat it's partly your fault.
37. John is Olivia Newton's last name not her brother.
38. You can have a radio show with just 5 siblings and a guitar.
39. Red velvet and black lace are really cool decor as long as it's 1973.
40. If you can survive vacation with 7 other people in a Thunderbird, you can survive anything.
41. Pearl Drops can give you a movie star smile.
42. "Sweet Honesty" is best in small doses.
43. A big sister is a great role model.
44. Having a bathroom with matching towels is a sign of success.
45. Acceptance is letting go even when you know you are right.
46. You can learn how to be stylish even if you grew up wearing smocks.
47. Baptizing in the titles " Father , Son , and the Grandpa, " will not save your soul.
48. Even if you feel like you have no one you can always depend on your big sister.
49. Fifty is young and closer than you think.
50. Having a baby sister named Amy Jo who loves you is one of the best gifts in the world.