Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I was praying with a lady this week who has a dream to be a mother. Her heart’s desire is to have a son. We discussed how God had answered the prayer of Sarah and Hannah. Since He is the same God yesterday, today and forever, He has the power to fulfill her request also. During our discussion, I stressed how important it is for her to be faithful to God. So many times we want to do our own thing, live our own way and still enjoy the blessings of God. I believe that we have blocked special blessings that God would like to rain down on us by our own willfulness.

As I continued to encourage her, she looked up at me with all sincerity and asked, “What does being faithful mean?” The words had rolled so easily off my tongue, now I had to make it personal. How do I explain being faithful without making it an impossible assignment? Am I the one who should even be giving the definition? Have I been practicing what I am preaching?

Being faithful is NOT being perfect. Wow, I’ve got that one down pat. Being faithful is obedience to God’s Word. There, that sounds about right. Being faithful is having a “Christ-Centered World View.” I borrowed that one from Chuck Colson. Being faithful is being totally committed to God. Now we’re getting a little too spiritual.

My final conclusion includes all of the above. Faithfulness to God is allowing Him to guide your steps every day, making sure every decision is in line with His Word, seeking to know His Heart, and finally committing every area of your life to His care. It sounds so simple, but I keep getting in the way.

Dear Lord, It’s me again. I need help to Just Be Faithful today.

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