Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Be still, and know that I am God Psalms 46:10

I watched as my 4 month old grandson struggled in my arms. He wasn’t hungry; he had a dry diaper and he was safe and warm in my arms. No matter what method I tried to quiet him, he continued to voice his unhappiness quite loudly. His problem? He was tired and wouldn’t lie still long enough to fall asleep. He was fighting the very thing he needed. Finally, I swaddled him in a blanket, held him close and watched him slowly relax in my arms. As soon as he was completely still, he fell sound asleep.

Sometimes we are like a struggling infant. God has exactly what we need yet we fight and argue with His will for the situation. If we will only draw close and relax in the arms of God, He will provide perfect peace and rest.

Dear God, today I want to just be still. Help me to leave all the problems I’m facing in your hands and rest in you.

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