Monday, October 15, 2007


Wow!!!! What a weekend. My gorgeous daughters-in-law, Jenesa and Holly worked hard to plan a surprise birthday party for me. How they kept this a secret I’ll never know.

The best part of the surprise was when my Mom, my brother, Mike and his wife Sharon, sisters, Val and Deb and 3 beautiful nieces, Abbie, Emily and Katie showed up. My baby sister, Amy sent an email with a list of 50 things she had learned from her OLDER sister. It brought back memories of things long forgotten. Val entertained all of us with her creative vision of my 75th birthday party and what we will all be doing at that stage of our lives. Big thanks to my sons, Steven and Phil. Steven for grilling all the meat, I didn’t know what a chef he had become. Of course you can always depend on Phil to keep the party hopping. Our wonderful friends Marty and Sophia came to share in the celebration and remind me that life continues to get better and better. My granddaughters, Mackenzie and Madison and grandson Caleb were the center of attention. Even the dogs Gabe, Benj, Toby and Tucker got in on the act. I also don’t want to forget to give kudos to the handsomest man in the world, my husband Steve, who has made every day worth living for over 31 years. Yes, we were just babies when we got married.

Thanks for all the wonderful gifts, but the most enjoyable gift I received was just being with all those nearest and dearest to my heart. This also marked my spiritual birthday. It has been 41 years since I was baptized in the wonderful Name of Jesus and was filled with His Spirit. God has blessed me over the last 50 years beyond anything I could ask or even think. I can’t even imagine what He has in store for me over the next 50.


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