Friday, October 26, 2007


A majority of Americans accept well-known Bible stories as literal truth, including the biblical account of Jesus Christ rising from the dead. The Barna Group found, three out of four adults said they interpreted the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Christ as literal truth.

“Not only do most Americans believe in the existence of God, but they believe in His power and in the miracles He performs” said researcher George Barna who directed the study. “Holding back the seas, walking on the water, rising from the dead, surviving in a lion cage, and killing a skilled and armed warrior with a sling shot are examples of God doing extraordinary things in the lives of ordinary people. These and other Bible stories inspire people to believe that their personal trust in that powerful God is warranted.

“We have tens of millions of people who view these narratives as reflections of the reality, the authority and the involvement of God in our lives, yet a majority of those same people harbor a stubborn indifference toward God and His desire to have intimacy with them. In fact, few of the people who believe these stories to be true consistently apply the principles imbedded in these stories within their own lives.

I was a bit surprised when I read this article. I was surprised that a majority of Americans accept anything from the Bible as literal truth. I was not surprised at the last paragraph, however. Satan is succeeding in the great deception of an “Empty Believism. Many churches today preach a powerless salvation that says all you have to do is quietly think in your mind that there is a God, without the necessity of an intimate interaction and application of what you purportedly believe.

Most of America is AFRAID OF COMMITMENT. This fear invades every area of society. Men and Women are afraid to commit to each other, someone better may come along. Parents are afraid to commit to their children, what if they are a disappointment. People are afraid to commit to their job, they may miss a better opportunity. It is no wonder the majority of adults are afraid to commit to God, pastors are afraid to commit to the message they preach. Every Sunday, thousands of messages are preached with no invitation asking the attendees to commit. What if they don’t come back? What if they don’t give in the offering? People leave the service with a longing that will never be satisfied and an emptiness that will never be filled. After all if the answer can’t be found at church, where do we look?

My other theory regarding the FEAR OF COMMITMENT is COMMITMENT BRINGS RESPONSIBILITY. If I commit to my spouse, I have the responsibility to be faithful and caring. If I commit to my children, I have a responsibility to teach them how not to fail and stand by them if they do. If I commit to a job, I have the responsibility of being loyal to that employer and giving 100%. If I commit to God, I have the responsibility of being obedient to His Word, being faithful to the call to pray, study, and witness, and allowing Him to guide my steps.

Conquering our FEAR OF COMMITMENT brings BENEFITS. There are benefits that a committed married couple enjoys, commitment to your children brings great joy, and commitment to a job can bring monetary rewards and advancement. Nothing can compare, however, to a commitment to God. Psalms 68:19 says “Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits.” Of course, the ultimate benefit to commitment is eternal life.

Conquer your fears, Commit to the Lord, Reap the Benefits.

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