Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Beautiful people are demanding and exhausting. I spent the weekend with two gorgeous little redheads. Mackenzie even told herself in the mirror that she “was fabulous.” To be that young and that confident!

Nothing escapes Mackenzie. On Friday night, I told her after she had a bath, she could sit on Grandma’s lap and eat ice cream, then we would read a book, say our prayers and have sweet dreams. On Saturday night, when it was time for a bath, she asked if she could sit on Grandma’s lap and have ice cream so she would have sweet dreams. What Grandma can resist that?

Madison and I bonded at 5:00 in the morning while everyone else was asleep. I realized as we shared the 3 hours of alone time, that I have never gotten to know her the way I have Mackenzie. Usually, her sister gets between her and any attention that may be coming Madison’s way. She giggled, babbled her 1 year old vocabulary, every once in a while whispered what sounded like Grandma and enjoy playing with every toy undisturbed.

Grandchildren are God’s reward for being such an exhausted, confused, sometimes “without a clue” parent. You get a second chance at correcting the mistakes you made with your own children because you were too stressed to just love them and laugh. Sure you have to send them home before you can sick and tired of them, but somehow every little thing they do is too wonderful for words. It is just hard to believe that God would bless you with the most wonderful, beautiful, smartest grandchildren on the planet. It also makes you realize that maybe you didn’t do such a bad job as a parent.

Thank you God for allowing me to feel for just a moment how you must feel when I spend time with you. Let me be as eager to be in your presence as Mackenzie is to get out of the car and run up to the porch when she arrives. And after a long and stressful day let me rest in your arms and have a little ice cream to sweeten the dreams.

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