Tuesday, February 26, 2019



Titus 1:15 To the pure all things are pure but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.

Have you ever “had the best intentions,” yet been misunderstood?  Perhaps you said something that was taken personally, was misconstrued or maybe your words were completely twisted and taken out of context and someone was offended.  It seems we live in a time in which people are seeking offense.

A few days ago 95 year old man, George Mendoza passed away.  If you are one of the few that recognize his name, it is probably because, like me, you were watching the Morning News. George Mendoza was the WWII sailor in the iconic picture of a man on V-J Day, kissing the nurse in Times Square.  A statue in Sarasota, FL commemorates the moment of impulsiveness brought on by the joy and exhilaration felt by all our victorious Military and indeed, across the United States. 

It turns out that the Nurse, later identified as Greta Zimmer, was unknown to George but, though, surprised, was not offended by the kiss, and over the years agreed to meet with George twice in honor of the immortalized V-J Day kiss. 

But the 1940’s have passed and now the celebratory kiss has been misconstrued, taken out of context, twisted into something ugly and someone is offended.  Yes, the “Me Too” movement is offended and the commemorative statue has been defaced in protest.

Over the years, through observation and experience, I have learned that a person will match another person’s motives to their own thoughts and viewpoints.  If one is a liar, they assume that everyone is lying or at least shading the truth.  If a person habitually cheats, the assumption is they are being cheated.  Or if a person has ulterior motives they look for the hidden meaning in everything.

On the flip side, though it may be naïve, an honest person always assumes he/she is being told the truth.  They are often taken advantage of because they trust that everyone has pure motives and what they see is the “way it is.”  Because they are pure, they see all things as pure and fail to see the “seamy” side of anything, until, to their surprise it is pointed out.

It is easy to become cynical in a defiled world, until nothing is pure and we look for the ugly meaning in every word and action.  How can we overcome such a mindset?  How can we trust again?  Can we ever get back to pure motives and seeing just the “good” in creation?

When cynicism tries to overtake me; when I become skeptical and scornful; when a critical attitude becomes my norm, here is a little exercise routine that gets my perspective in the right focus…

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.

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