Friday, February 1, 2019



Psalms 68: 3 But let the Righteous be glad; let them REJOICE before God; Yes, let them REJOICE exceedingly.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath…ANOTHER DAY TO REJOICE. 

My feet hit the floor; I could stand, I could walk…ANOTHER DAY TO REJOICE.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a long drink of fresh, clean water…ANOTHER DAY TO REJOICE.

My first sips of freshly brewed coffee…ANOTHER DAY TO REJOICE.

When I begin to meditate on the all the good things God has placed in my life and allowed me to experience, thankfulness fills my heart and I REJOICE.  Oh, “I’ve have bad days and I’ve had hills to climb and I’ve had sad days, that leave me with a weary mind, but when I look about and think these things all out…all of the good days outweigh the bad days, I won’t complain.”

And my friends at home think, “easy for you to say, we are stuck up here in freezing temperature and snow with a chest cold.” You are right, sometimes it is easier to rejoice when you wake to 55 degrees instead of -16 and you hear the sound of the ocean instead of the roar of a snowplow. 

BUT…there is just something that warms you all up from the inside out when you begin to speak, JESUS; when you think back to where He brought you from; when you begin to count your many blessings…the joy starts to bubble up and you REJOICE.

Philippians 4:4 REJOICE in the Lord always.  Again I will say, REJOICE.
Each one of us has been given this day as a gift from God….OPEN IT; UNWRAP IT AND REJOICE!

I don’t know what lies ahead for me in the next 24 hours but I can REJOICE with the confidence that God knows.  I may go places I’ve never been and face situations I’ve never faced but God has already been there and His hand will guide me as I move forward and I WILL REJOICE.


The day that I open my eyes for the last time, drink my final sip of water, walk my last few steps and take my final deep breath, I am determined to REJOICE my way through Gates of Pearl, down Streets of Gold, bow before the Throne and dance with the angels.

And then in the “City where there cometh no night,” REJOICE FOR ALL ETERNITY!

Psalms 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; we will REJOICE and be glad in it.

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