Wednesday, February 13, 2019



Acts 3:1-2 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. And a certain lame man from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple.

During a pick-up hockey game in North Carolina, a player went into cardiac arrest and collapsed on the ice.  A fellow hockey player, who also “just happened” to be a doctor sprang into action, began to perform CPR and the heart began to beat again.  The resuscitated man called his rescuer, his “guardian angel,” and stated, “It was a miracle that I was skating with an Emergency Room Doctor.” 

I guess one could say, “He was in the right place at the right time.”  And he was; but was it “just;” was it a coincidence or could it have been an ASSIGNMENT IN THE PLAN OF GOD?

Jesus, of course, is our greatest example of “BEING ON ASSIGNMENT.”  You could say, “Well of course, He was God.  He knew all things, where He should go, whom He should touch, and the exact need to which He would minister.”  True, but you and I have the same Spirit dwelling in us, the same God directing our steps;  two ears, two eyes, two hands, and two feet to obey “the mission” and a mouth to “speak the word.” 


Have you prayed this morning?  Have you received your “marching orders?”  They may not contain precise instructions or precise locations but as you go about your day and follow your routine, keep your mind ready, because God is going to place you in someone’s “right time; right place space.”
It may be on your job, at the grocery store, exercising at the gym, walking the dog through your neighborhood, or going “up to pray;” be on the lookout because God has an ASSIGNMENT FOR YOU TO FULFILL TODAY! 

Acts 3:6 Then Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have, give I thee; In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

There is someone whose discouraged heart is about to go into “cardiac arrest.”  They are so in need of a little “spiritual CPR” and you just happen to be “in the right place at the right time.”  YOUR ASSIGNMENT…BREATHE SOME ENCOURAGEMENT INTO THEIR GASPING LUNGS!

Perhaps, they are in a situation that has them bound and there seems to be no solution; no way out.  YOUR ASSIGNMENT…1, 2, 3…1, 2, 3…SHOCK THEIR HEART WITH SOME HOPE…GET IT BEATING AGAIN!

Or maybe it is a bright smile, a warm hug, a cup of coffee and friendly conversation…God is never boring, never routine and He changes up His assignments daily, so get in contact with Him this morning.


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