Friday, February 15, 2019



Matthew 23:37 Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!  How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you WERE NOT WILLING!

I prayed, “Dear Lord, touch every heart here today.” We sang, “He is here touching every heart” and it hit me…Jesus is always reaching…HE is always touching but sometimes WE ARE NOT WILLING!

In the congregation that day were men, women and children who needed His touch, but how many were willing?  A man needed deliverance from sin that had him bound; a woman needed answers to deal with a situation that was destroying lives; a child needed to be healed of a serious illness; another needed peace; another salvation, a miracle or just a brand new touch…but only SOME WERE WILLING!

I watched as two men approached the altar.  It was obviously unfamiliar territory and they were not even sure what behavior or action on their part was appropriate but God had touched their hearts…THEY WERE WILLING! 

In another area, a young mother lifted her hands and face to Heaven, tears running down her cheeks as the Touch of God surrounded her…SHE WAS WILLING! 

I saw a young girl lingering at the altar; to her it is a safe place, a place where God touches lives and her life has had a special touch of God on it since she was born…SHE IS NOT ONLY WILLING, SHE SEEKS FOR IT!

God doesn’t only reach to touch hearts on Sunday; He is where you are, touching your heart, today.  He is ready to be in the midst of your situation.  He has a Gift of Healing beautifully packaged just for you.  If you need peace, He has peace. If you need provision; He is your provider.  If you need to be set free, He is your deliverer.  If you need comfort, He is your comforter. Or, if you just need a brand new touch, His arms are ready to embrace you and hold you close.


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