Wednesday, January 9, 2019



Mark 9:29 So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

We have waved goodbye to 2018 and stepped into 2019; many are starting or joining a 21 day period of Prayer and Fasting.  The ACTS of Prayer and Fasting are not as important as the WHY and WHAT!

WHY ARE YOU FASTING?  Are you just joining in because a pastor announced the activity?  Are you participating because you would feel guilty if you didn’t or because you don’t want anyone to know that you really don’t want to so you make a half-hearted effort?  Is it just another check off your list; like the check for attending Sunday Service or the check for daily reading a Bible chapter or the check for getting in a quick prayer time as you drive to work?

For what are you Praying?  Are you just praying in general, because you said you would or do you have a focused prayer?  Are you petitioning God for something specific and including instructions for completion or are you seeking His Will in the situation?  Are you trying to get God to understand you more or does your prayer time include listening and understanding His Heart and His desires for you?

The 21 day period will end, sometime in late January…what will change?  Will you be different?  God desires to do a work in you during this time; He desires that you know Him better by the end of January but it will only happen if you get the WHY and WHAT in the proper perspective.
If you are joining in just because you don’t know how to say “no,” here is your out…Repent and go eat or play a video game or watch a movie or get back on Facebook or whatever you are fasting.


If you really desire a change; if you really desire to have God fulfill His plan through you; if you really desire to spend time in His Presence and get to know His heart, then push away from the table or stop lusting after the leftover Christmas Candy or turn off the video game and allow God to whisper His love for you as you spend time in His Presence…of course this will happen only if you shut up with your requests long enough to let Him get a word in…but it could happen.

If there is a situation that needs an answer, present the petition and LEAVE IT UP TO GOD.  Then praise Him; thank Him for the answer; show Him a little love and you will be amazed at how fast situations are resolved; how clear the answers become; and how swiftly the blessings began to flow.

I can’t wait to hear and share testimonies of the many BREAKTHROUGHS that will be experienced as we seek the Will of God together.

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