Monday, January 7, 2019



Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this one thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

As we begin our journey into 2019, we carry new hopes, dreams and expectations.  We resolve to be better people, pray more, show more love, deepen our relationship with God and…Oh yeah, and lose weight. 

It is important with any goal that we get our priorities straight and our focus on the correct result but I find myself focusing on the “side-effect” of the thing I should be pursing rather than the process that produces the desired result.

Most of us pursue weight loss and hope to feel healthier, when we should pursue healthy living and enjoy the “side-effect” of weight loss.

How many of us pursue Heaven and hope to know God better, when we should pursue a closer relationship with God and enjoy the “side-effect” of Heaven.

My Prayer….Lord, today help me pursue YOU; I want to know YOU more; love YOU more; hear YOUR voice more clearly; follow YOU more faithfully…walking in full confidence that you will continue to bless me with the “Side-effects.”

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