Thursday, January 17, 2019



Romans 15:18-19 For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word or deed, to make the Gentiles obedient.  In mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ.

When did the Gospel of Christ become “not enough?”  When did we get so big in our own eyes that we began to believe God needed our “Word or Deed Intervention” to get people to “fall in line?”  When did we start thinking that God had saved us to control others into the “Pearly Gates?”

Well as much “Righteous Pride” we may feel regarding our method of “making disciples,” MANIPULATION did not begin with you or with me!  Obviously, this problem existed in Apostle Paul’s day and even before….

Remember Jacob?  He manipulated his mother into cooperating with him to manipulate his father.  Then he manipulated his soon-to-be Father-in-law but found himself on the wrong side of the manipulation, except for the spotted cow scheme.  It took a wrestling match with an angel, a permanent limp and a name change to bring him back in line with the plan of God.

At times we have all played the role of Manipulator or felt the defeat of being the Manipulatee.  Obviously, the first role is a way more desirable to our flesh.  BUT, it is abhorrent to the Holy Spirit.
You were not called to be a HOLY MANIPULATOR!  We have allowed our MIGHTY WORDS to replace the MIGHTY SIGNS AND WONDERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!


You really cannot manipulate people into salvation or “living right.” Manipulation wrests the control from God and places the burden of responsibility on your shoulders; a load you were never created to bear.  And if God has to challenge you to a wrestling match, give you a permanent limp and name change, HE WILL!

You were called to PREACH THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST!  Let the Power of the Spirit of God work through your ministry in mighty signs and wonders.  The Gospel of Christ is sufficient; it does not need manipulation to be effective.

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