Monday, January 7, 2019



Malachi 3:6-7 For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed oh Sons of Jacob.  Yet from the days of your fathers, you have gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them.  Return to Me and I will return to you.

In the Old Testament, the Law paints a picture of a very sober, absolute God.  The Law was very precise in its requirements; the preparation and offering of the sacrifices, the garments of the priests, the foods that were permissible for consumption and even allowable activities on Sabbaths and Feast Days.  Deviation from the Law was not tolerated and punishment for sin was executed swiftly and thoroughly to the offender.

Today, we are under Grace; God is long suffering and merciful; dietary and ceremonial Law no longer applies to the Redeemed Church and punishment for sin is postponed, giving the offender every opportunity for redemption.


Although Church Councils, Religious Denominations, individual people and Governments attempt to change, pervert and twist the Laws of God to be more accepting, more tolerant or more friendly to their own fleshly lusts, there are ABSOLUTES in the Word of God and God demands strict adherence…even under Grace.

Three of the Ordinances that must be strictly obeyed and entered into soberly are Baptism, Communion and Marriage.

BAPTISM – Must be done in the Name of Jesus.  It is commanded; We identify with Jesus in Baptism; it is the Shed Blood of Jesus that washes away our sins; we are to do all, in word and deed, in the Name of Jesus; it was preached and practiced by the Early Church; just as there is healing in the Name of Jesus, power in the Name of Jesus, there is Redemption ONLY through the Name of Jesus; THERE IS NO OTHER NAME!

COMMUNION – It is to be done in Remembrance of Jesus Sacrifice for our sins; for our healing; for our redemption.  It is to be done soberly, with serious contemplation and heart-examination.  The elements used for this sacred ordinance are precise and should be followed… THE BREAD – Must be UNLEAVENED BREAD…no salt or yeast, which in the Bible represents sin…Jesus sinless body was broken for us.  THE FRUIT OF THE VINE – not just any colored water or substance will do.  It represents the life-giving blood that was poured out for our redemption.

MARRIAGE – It is sacred; it is holy; it is for a lifetime.  Marriage is ONLY between one man and one woman; not two humans or three consenting adults or one man and a harem… It represents Jesus and His Bride – The Church.  Jesus is absolutely faithful to His Bride and expects The Church to be ABSOLUTELY FAITHFUL to Him.  He will not tolerate an adulterous Church; one whose heart is fickle; in love with Him one moment and fascinated with a shiny, new object the next.  Jesus expects ABSOLUTE FIDELITY IN THOUGHT AND ACTION!

God’s Word is absolute; He does not change with society, denominations, government or church councils…BELIEVE IT…OBEY IT….LIVE IT!

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