Monday, March 31, 2008


I am currently reading The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian. If you have read any of her other books on the power of prayer, you will agree that they hit you in the heart and challenge you to grow deeper in God. In this book she lists 5 ways to tell if your walk with God is shallow which I would like to share.

1. If you follow the Lord for only what He can do for you, your walk with Him is shallow. If you love Him enough to ask Him what you can do for Him, then your relationship is growing deep.

2. If you only pray to God when things are tough or you need something, then your walk with Him is shallow. If you find yourself praying to Him many times a day just because you love to be in His presence, then your relationship is growing deep.

3. If you get mad at God or disappointed in Him when He doesn’t do what you want, then your walk with Him is shallow. If you can praise God no matter what is going on in your life, then your relationship is growing deep.

4. If you love God only because of what He does, then your walk with Him is shallow. If you love and reverence Him for who He is, then your relationship is growing deep.

5. If you think you have to beg God or twist His arm to get Him to answer your prayers, then your walk with Him is shallow. If you believe that God wants to answer the prayers you pray in line with His will, then your relationship with Him is growing deep.

I have to confess that I found room for improvement in every point. Many times I ask Him to work through me with the emphasis on ME. I get so busy that I forget to set aside time just to talk to Him until there is a pressing matter. Sometimes I work the plan out ahead of God and wonder why He doesn’t agree to follow me. More times than not I forget that God has promised that “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give good gifts to His children.”

I want to move out of the shallow water where all the junk accumulates and things become stagnant and step into the deep where things are fresh and pure. Your feet can’t touch the bottom in the deep water, but that is where you learn to trust in His Unchanging Hand, His Plan for your life and grow ever closer in your relationship with Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan, I love Stormie's books but I have yet to read this one. My favorite is "Just Enough LIGHT for the Step I'm On", trusting God in the tough times.

Those were definitely five good points you shared here. I, too, find the need to move on out of the shallow waters and go deeper in Him. Thanks for sharing this.

Headed for the deep waters,