Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have the most incredible experiences every time I go shopping at Meijer in Saginaw. They always seem to occur in the grocery aisles when I least expect them. People ask me to help them find items, seek my opinion on products, explain why they are there, tell me about their illnesses and discuss their families. I used to think this was weird, now I look forward to these weekly “meetings.” You see, I believe that they are divine appointments set up by God just for me.
Sometimes I have been led to pray for people, invite them to church, help them find specific products or just leave an encouraging word. Friday’s encounter was a different experience and yes a little strange. I didn’t realize until several hours later how God would speak to me through a “chance” meeting.

It started as just an ordinary Friday morning; I made my list, sorted my coupons and arrived at Meijer for my weekly shopping trip. I strolled down the aisles, picking out the things on my list in an orderly fashion, smiling now and then as I swerved my cart around other shoppers. Then it happened!!! I was innocently bent over the canned vegetables searching for “salted” cut green beans among the “no salt” and French-style; a typical, boring Friday. I straightened up as I heard a voice behind me. There stood a kindly-looking senior citizen. “Ma’am,” he said, “My wife sent me to the store and I can’t remember what she wanted. Can you help me?” Thank God I didn’t blurt out the first thing that entered my mind. I wanted to say, “Do you think I’m a psychic or a mind reader? Or, sorry, your wife didn’t phone me with the list.”

God whispered “Divine appointment.” I simply smiled and said “Ok…..” He proceeded to explain it was a sauce you put on hot dogs. I went through the list, catsup, mustard, relish? “No, it’s a chili stuff with a special name.” It hit me, he wanted Coney Dog Sauce. The excitement in his voice was worth the few minutes my routine was interrupted. I then explained where he could probably find the item. He thanked me and was off to find this prize commodity. A few aisles over, I met up with the gentleman again who happily exclaimed, “I found it exactly where you said it was.” I smiled and expressed that I was certain his wife and daughter would be so proud of him. I finished my shopping and arrived home. Then God began to speak.

Susan, every day you encounter people who are searching for something but are unable to articulate exactly what they seek. They arrive at church for a specific touch from Me, they remember having felt Me at one time, others have testified of My power and the sign on the outside promises an encounter on the inside. However, many times you are so concerned with searching for your specific blessing that you don’t want to be bothered with someone else’s need. Maybe our sensitivity levels are so low that we miss the divine appointment that God has set. We smile, shake hands, tell them they are welcome but fail to lead them to the place that God has everything to satisfy their deepest longing. God has the Words of Life he wants us to speak, His Spirit is waiting to fill every hungry heart and He is also waiting on us to point the seeking soul to the right aisle. No reward will be as great as when that soul looks up from an encounter with Jesus and says, “I found it exactly where you said it was.”


Anonymous said...

Dear Susan, what a great and inspiring word for today's busy people. I hope you don't mind if I share this with my friends at Bible class.

DoriAnne M. said...

I really appreciate your blog, Susan, and hope you are blessed and encouraged to continue.

Anonymous said...

Susan, this was very encouraging for me today. This has been a desire of mine and know that the Lord has spoken to me many times about "divine appointments". How amazing and so fulfilling it would be to know that every second of your life is divinely appointed by God. Every decision you make, every action you take, and perhaps even a mistake you make....all divinely appointed.

Living a life divinely appointed, you begin your day consulting the LORD about what and where He would have you do or go. How awesome to daily encounter "divine appointments". THAT is what I'm striving for....to have a life....bombarded with "divine appointments" from God.

My desire is to please Him and only Him. For I know that in pleasing Him, I am doing His will. What a blessing and such great fulfillment to be "divinely appointed" by GOD.

Always open to asking....Lord, who out there needs a hug today? Who needs a Word of encouragement? Who needs to receive a card in the mail? Who just needs someone to come visit for awhile? Who needs prayer, God? Who needs a touch from You? Who needs to hear about You? Who is in need of a financial blessing that I can help with? Who needs that special phone call? Is someone hurting today God that is going through something "I" can relate to, and be able to help them through it? Who needs food God? Who needs a helping hand? Who just needs me to listen? Who feels worthless and needs to be shown they are needed today, God? Or who...just needs a friend? LORD, let our lives be divinely appointed by You.

Divinely appointed by God,
Please Pray for us!