Thursday, March 27, 2008


According to the calendar, I have been on a journey to a healthy lifestyle for 12 weeks. It is a journey of discovery about me more than about food. I have always had a love affair with food. I celebrate, morn, de-stress, cure headaches, show kindness with; you name it, anything can be accomplished with the right food. At the present time, I have this obsession under control, but if I am not constantly on the look-out, anything can trigger a regression to old behaviors. It doesn’t matter that I look and feel better or that clothes from two years ago are becoming looser. If I don’t turn my head when I drive past the donut shop or hide the chocolate in a far corner of the cupboard, their delicious voices will call and the old me will re-emerge.

This week, for whatever reason, eating healthy has been more of a struggle. I think I have hit the DREADED PLATEAU. Being disciplined in our eating habits has such parallels with our Christian walk. The most dangerous time in our walk with God is when we hit a plateau. We feel stagnant, like nothing is happening and sometimes we can’t even feel God in our lives. This is the time Satan will throw every temptation at you and even cause you to doubt your salvation. If you are trying to live healthy, your favorite foods will be served at every event, friends you hadn’t heard from in months will invite you to lunch and you can practically smell the pizza over the television.

We have to realize that plateaus are not evil, but merely a time of rest before you move on and conquer the next mountain. You have detoxed your body, filled it with only healthy foods, stimulated muscles you had forgotten existed and moved into the right frame of mind. During the time of rest, your body re-adjusts to this new lifestyle, your muscles grow stronger as they heal and your mind gains a stronger resolve. This will only happen if you continue to eat right, exercise regularly, and continue to affirm your good choices. A spiritual plateau is also a time for growth. However, growth will only happen if you continue to feed on the Word of God, pray regularly and listen to the lesson that God is teaching.

Steve always reminds me that” Next month will come whether I eat right or stuff my face with junk. The only difference is I will be fatter or thinner.” This also holds true in our relationship with God. I can choose to say “it’s not worth it” and ignore all the progress God has made in me to this point or I can praise Him in the midst of my trial; knowing that He is faithful and working things out for my good. It is impossible to stay where you are today. You will either go forward or backward, that choice is up to you.

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