Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The headline of this Sunday’s newspaper read “HAPPY EASTER,” complete with flowers and a colored egg. Finally, on the back page, the resurrection was mentioned. Actually, it was a full page ad purchased by Hobby Lobby. The stores were full of Easter bunnies, stuffed animals, baskets, candy, tulips, crocuses and Easter lilies. It is very difficult to find the true celebration of Easter displayed publicly unless you entered a religious book store. Even there you found commercialization and secularization of the most important day in history. How do you allow your kids to have fun and still get the message into their hearts? Be creative!!!

Mackenzie is 3 ½ and every event in her life is exciting and celebrated. She loves parties and all the trappings that go with them, especially decorating the cake. What better way to teach her about the resurrection than throw a RESURRECTION PARTY.

My very creative daughter-in-law Holly, Mackenzie’s mother baked what else, a Resurrection Cake. Phil had emailed me the pictures of the cake, of course I had to call and exclaim in wonder over the great idea and creativity that was put into this important teaching moment. Mackenzie was so thrilled with the party but did she get the message? Her excited little voice on the phone told the story. “Gramma, Gramma,” she exclaimed, “We’re having a party; we made a cake.” Her next statement let us know, SHE GOT IT!!! There was no mention of chocolate frosting for the barren ground, that a donut was rolled away or teddy grahams were visiting, guarding and proclaiming, “He is risen.” Mackenzie loudly announced, “THE TOMB IS EMPTY!!! “ When I asked why it was empty, she declared, “JESUS IS ALIVE!!!”

Oh that we would feel the excitement and joy of that first Easter. That we would forget about a new dress, white shoes, chocolate bunnies, and jelly beans to declare HALLELUJAH, JESUS IS ALIVE.

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