Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today I would like to honor my best friend on his 50th birthday. I have been privileged to celebrate 32 of those birthdays as his “best girl”, 31 of them as his wife.

At 50 years old, he is the most handsome, sexiest man with absolutely gorgeous hair that I know. My heart still goes pitter patter every time he walks into the room, especially wearing a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Steve is the smartest, wisest, most Godly man in my life. He is a great father to Steven and Phil and a wonderful grandfather to Mackenzie, Madison and Caleb. Most people think he is quiet and reserved but just don’t get him started. Steve finds humor in the very unique simple things in life. I cannot count the times he has made me laugh until I cried over something so stupid most people wouldn’t find it the least bit amusing.

Steve, I love you with all that I am, with all that I have, from the bottom of my heart. I would fix you a special dinner tonight, but you are stuffing your face with pizza at work. I would bake a birthday cake, but it isn’t on your “diet.” The only thing left is spending the evening with me; can’t wait until you get home.

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