Saturday, February 2, 2008


Tomorrow night is the Super Bowl. Our family loves football. We watch University of Michigan football on Saturdays. On Sunday afternoons, NFL Sunday Ticket takes center stage. That’s right; my gift to my husband is the opportunity to watch every game that is played every Sunday. There are also games on Monday night and sometimes Thursday and Saturday. Super bowl night has been an exciting night for our family since the Chicago Bears in 1986. We pick our teams, have special foods and critique the commercials. Secretly, I am relieved that my weekends are once again free, that is until August. My husband is already looking forward to the Bears winning the championship this year.

I will be rooting for the New England Patriots. I would love for them to go undefeated mainly because I hate the whining of the Miami Dolphins’ players who went undefeated eons ago. I’m also going for the Patriots because Tom Brady is a Michigan Man. Tom Brady has been the most underrated quarterback for most of his career. While I don’t agree with his lifestyle, I admire his perseverance and commitment. Tom Brady was recruited by U of M and was the 7th man on the depth chart. He arrived with little hope of starting any game let alone the big game. He was passed over many times but when he finally got his chance, he performed and led his team to victory. It was the same way in the NFL draft. Brady was finally chosen in the 6th round. As a back-up quarterback behind Drew Bledsoe, a player the Patriots had pinned their hopes on, Brady once again, had little hope of starting. A collision with a linebacker changed everything. In September, 2001, Brady was thrust into the game and consequently, led his team to a Super Bowl win. There was no looking back. Brady was where he was destined to be, the leader of the New England Patriots. Since 2001, Brady has led his team to 3 super bowl wins and has received 2 MVP player awards.

Sometimes our lives seem to be going nowhere. We feel like the backup to everyone else’s achievements. It is easy to sit around and whine, to blame the past for our lack of progress and feel like your opportunity will never occur. If we will continue to commit, be consistent and faithful to the call of God on our lives, there will come a day when we are put in the big game. Galatians 6:9 says, Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Remember God can only use those who have continued to work out and know the game plan even though they were sitting on the bench.


Anonymous said...

Susan, now you struck a chord, we have a problem. I have been a die hard dedicated Miami Dolphin since they became a team back in the 60's when I was in the service. We are still the only undefeated team in history, and after the Giants get thru with your precious Pattys, we still will be. Go New York!!!! I'm sure you're probably not a St. Louis Cardinal either!

Susan Niswonger said...

So the Dolphins aren't just whiners, they are OLD whiners. As far as the St. Louis Cardinal, I am a daughter of Deloy Hawks.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Did I strike a nerve! I guess growing up around the Chicago area got you pretty used to losers. Winners upset you. But know this I still love you and you're probably my favorite niece. Turn that frown upside down....SMILE! Glad to hear you love me and your Dad's Cardinals! Scary that we both like a same team:):)