Saturday, February 16, 2008


Is there anyone in your life that sometimes you miss so much? You long to be with that person, to pour out your heart to them, to share a laugh and a hug. Maybe it is someone who has passed away; it could be a friend or family member that has moved to another state or a spouse that you haven’t seen since the morning kiss goodbye. This morning I have a yearning in my heart to be in the presence of someone I’ve never seen, in a place I’ve only heard about. Sound crazy? Yes, a little. I have such a longing to see Jesus. I’ve had an intimate relationship with Him since I was 9 years old. I have walked with Him, had long talks with Him, experienced His awesome power and felt His touch, now I want to see Him face to face.

Oh I want to see Him
Look upon His face
There to sing forever of His saving grace
On the streets of Glory
Let me lift my voice
Cares all past Home at last
Ever to rejoice

Why today? Maybe it is a result of Headline News. Thursday, there was a shooting at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb, IL. My sister lives there, my mom was visiting my sister, and we were just in Dekalb a week ago. We also lived in Dekalb about twenty-five years ago. It isn’t a town where you expect such a violent act, but on Thursday it happened. The news informed us this was the fourth shooting in a school this month. There are no longer “safe” places.

Maybe I have a longing to see Jesus because I’m sick of the weather. I am tired of snow and cold weather. This year in Saginaw, we are close to breaking a long standing record. Again the news headlines report there were at least three major earthquakes last week, snow in San Diego?, destructive tornados across the southern states, threat of a catastrophic tidal wave in Colorado?. We can blame it on global warming, global cooling, pollution or other politically correct terms, but Luke 21:25 tells us, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth; distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring.”

Perhaps this yearning in my heart is for something that never changes. We used to depend on the church world for steadfastness; not anymore!!! A few weeks ago, a church made headlines by passing out shot glasses with the church logo in the local bars. Other churches are offering gourmet coffee, multi-media productions of the latest combination of secular and religious music, and of course, casual dress, with the pastor in jeans so that everyone is comfortable. We come up with innovative ways to attract people but offer nothing life-changing once they walk in the door. Churches are so concerned about being seeker-friendly that attendees never find what they are seeking for and how to prepare for eternity.

I am so tired of living in world where evil is taking over are schools, neighborhood and churches. It is discouraging to talk to loved ones who were once so committed to spiritual things more concerned with the latest movie, fashion or the newest pleasurable pursuit. At times I wonder is there anyone else that thinks beyond today. My favorite verse to Oh I Want To See Him is:

When in valleys low I look
Toward the mountain height
And behold my Savior there
Leading in the fight
With a tender hand outstretched
Toward the valley low
Guiding me, I can see
As I onward go

I remind myself that even if today isn’t they day I get to go home and though I may have to look up from the floor of the valley, the one I long to see is leading the fight, holding my hand and guiding me onward. One day soon our hope will turn into reality and we will be home for eternity.

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