Monday, February 4, 2008


The Super Bowl was played last night. Football is over until August. My team lost.

The New England Patriots had a phenomenal year. For most of the season they appeared unbeatable and it took the New York Giants three tries but they finally prevailed. Many analysts have already weighed in on their theories; Tom Brady had an injury, they had inflated egos and thought they were unbeatable, they thought the Giants were pushovers, the Patriots lost focus, too much media hype, or the Giants had secretly filmed the Patriots play book. There was a report that the Patriots had a lackluster practice on Thursday. Maybe they were just tired, or maybe a little discouraged, usually there isn’t a concrete reason for failure. I think the real reason they lost was the Giants scored more points!!!!

There is a lesson to be learned from this sporting event. It is not always the one who starts out strong that becomes the victor. I have seen many individuals start strong in their walk with God. They were enthusiastic, full of faith, and ready to conquer the world. As the journey continued, the enthusiasm began to fade, their faith was tried and discouragement set in. In time, they lost focus, setting their eyes on other people instead of Jesus. Finally, being overwhelmed with life, Satan was able to deceive them into giving up on their dream. I have observed other young Christians, who seemed to start slowly. As time passed, their relationship with God grew stronger and a plan for their life began to unfold. They were able to keep focus on the goal despite the many obstacles Satan tried to place in their path. Finally, in God’s perfect timing, their dreams were fulfilled.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 states “The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong.” Matthew 10:22 says, “He that endures until the end shall be saved. Finally, Hebrews 12:1 tells us “To run with patience the race that is set before us.” Tom Brady and the Patriots will look forward to next year, but we only get one chance to have a perfect season. So, run the race with patience and keep your focus, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

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