Monday, February 11, 2008


Yesterday, we returned home from my Grandmother’s funeral. On Friday, we celebrated Granny’s home going; she would have been proud. All of her five living children and twenty-seven grandchildren were there except three. Attending also, were several great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. The tributes by her pastor and my two uncles, Jim and Bob were heartwarming and told the story of her life. I am always struck by the glaring differences in funeral services between children of God and those who chose to serve themselves. The Bible says “Blessed is the death of the Saints.” When you know the individual has gone to be with their Lord, there is a feeling of peace, hope and love for each other.

One of the underlying themes throughout the service was Granny’s faithfulness to her family, to God, and her church. I am so thankful for the legacy that has been handed to me through my grandparents and parents. Would I take the chance of living one day without God? NO WAY!!!! I don’t want my funeral to be a sad affair. I don’t want my children to grieve without hope. I don’t want to spend eternity apart from the loving embrace of my Savior.

Winter travel in Michigan is always a gamble but yesterday was the worst day of travel I have ever experienced. I had intended to drive by myself, but at the last minute decided to ride with Steven, Jenesa and Caleb. Actually it really wasn’t my decision; it was the hand of God. The six hour journey from DeKalb, IL ended up taking ten hours. The trip was going as planned until we reached Benton Harbor, MI. There were times we could hardly see the road because of high winds and blowing snow. Steven was exhausted from maintaining control of the constantly wind-battered car. We saw several cars in the ditch and suddenly came upon one multiple incident. I thought we might be going to see Granny a little sooner than we really wanted to. It was only by calling on the Name of Jesus and the hand of God on Steven’s hands that prevented our vehicle from joining them as we skidded to a stop. As we continued on toward Kalamazoo, I prayed and read practically the whole book of Psalms. I was especially comforted by Psalms 27:13 “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” Thank God for His precious promises.

Thankfully, Steve was back at home praying, since the roads would become even more treacherous. The highway at Kalamazoo was covered by approximately an inch of ice. Ahead, there had been multiple accidents which closed the roads for about 2 hours. We were stuck on I94 on a bridge and no one was moving. We finally began to inch along at no more than 30 mph. I asked Mom, my sister Deb and brother-in-law Rob to help us pray. God, who is faithful, answered. The roads became clearer and drier until finally Steven could drive the speed limit. I was never more excited to see the lights of home as we pulled in the driveway. Would I want to live one day without God? NO WAY!!!!

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