Monday, February 18, 2008


Ever have a day when it is hard to find something to be thankful for? Yesterday was one of those days. The alarm went off at 7:00 and I hurriedly got out of bed hoping to slip in some devotional time and still have time to get dressed, fix my hair and do a final selection on the praise and worship song. The view out the front door wasn’t pleasant. Not just another dreary Sunday, but one filled with freezing rain falling atop a foot and a half of snow. I prayed, “Lord, you are the God of the weather, but are you sure you know what you are doing? And by the way, God, could you help someone to have a desire to come to church this morning? It sure would be nice to worship with more than 5 people.” Now how can God resist such a heartfelt request?

Well at least the day can only get better, right? Wrong!!! In the middle of a minor argument, Steve and I finally arrived at church. I thought he was driving too fast for conditions, he obviously felt he did not need a driving assistant. Just when it looked like the faithful five would once more worship with God in the “midst of them”, two friends walked in. Their Sunday service had been cancelled due to weather conditions. Maybe God had heard my hurried petition. The service was great; Steve preached an awesome message titled, “Building on the eternal.” Then it was time to go home.

The freezing rain had turned to a downpour during the service creating a foot of slushy ice in our shovel-neglected driveway. We made it about two feet into the drive before getting stuck. A kindly neighbor helped Steve push it back into the street. We headed for the local restaurant; at least we would have a hot meal before settling in for an afternoon of reading the paper and napping. Back home, Steve put the pedal to the metal as we entered the driveway. At least this time we are completely out of the street. Off came the high heels; on went the boots, shovel in hand, a woman on a mission. After shoveling several “50 lb?” shovel-full’s of slushy, icy, snow, the car is unstuck and safely in the garage.

Time to get out of the wet clothes and enjoy the Sunday paper. Oh great, the thermostat is down to 58 degrees and Steve can’t get it too work. Of course it’s Sunday and the repairman will charge double. What do you do? Wait until Monday!! In the meantime, turn on the gas fireplace, wear multiple layers, pile on the afghans, eat hot soup and snuggle. How can I be thankful today? Let me count the ways.

1. The outside temperature was 40 degrees instead of -20.
2. We had a gas fireplace to huddle in front of.
3. The house never got below 58 degrees all night.
4. We had plenty of hot water for a long shower.
5. The homemade vegetable soup was wonderful.
6. I had someone to cuddle with.

It is currently Monday, 5:00 p.m. The smell of a new heat exchanger is heavenly as heat once again pours through the registers. It is so easy to forget to give thanks for the commonplace things in life. We take a warm house for granted until the furnace doesn’t work. So I have one more thing to add to my list.

7. Thank you God for allowing me to experience a chilly night and reminding me to give thanks for a warm house. Now help me not to forget to thank you when I get the utility bill.

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