Sunday, February 3, 2008


Have you ever wished you were someone else? A recent magazine article reported that the majority of people, especially women, are unhappy with their appearance. We lose weight, gain weight, change our hair color, wear contacts instead of glasses, buy skin toning face creams and even go under the knife to change our looks. I believe we should look our very best, live a healthy lifestyle, take a bath, and brush our teeth. There are many personal characteristics, however, that are God ordained and we need to praise God that we are exactly the way He created us. We cannot change the color of our skin, our nationality or our birth parents and the genetic material they pass on to us. We cannot change our height or lack of, the primary shape of our body, whether we are right or left-handed, how big our feet grow or the color of our eyes.

A devotional by Dennis and Barbara Rainey tells the story of British Missionary Elizabeth Aleward. As a young girl, Elizabeth longed for long golden curls instead she had long, straight black hair. Her friends grew tall and slender, while she ended up on the shorter side. Years later, God called her to minister in China. The first thing she noticed about the precious people in her new field of ministry was that every one of them had long, straight black hair and had stopped growing at exactly the same moment that she had. It became apparent to her that God was in control and knew exactly what He was doing.

Psalms 139:14 says “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Take time today to thank God for the person He made you and the plans He has for you. God created you to be the perfect fit for your position in The Body.

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